Three LED lighting tycoon November revenue data analysis

Dongbei's consolidated revenue in November was 530 million Taiwan dollars (the same below)
Dongbei winter lighting orders tonic, the combined revenue in November was 530 million yuan, equivalent to last month's revenue.
In response to the substantial growth in lighting demand, Dongbei will double its lighting capacity by the end of the first quarter of next year. Dongbei said that the combined revenue in November was 530 million yuan, which was equivalent to last month's revenue. Mainly due to the surge in demand for orders in the North American lighting market, as well as the TV customers' adjustment of inventory in the third quarter has been suspended, orders have gradually stabilized; plus new customers in the mobile communication applications began to pull goods in advance from the fourth quarter Overall, in November, the revenue in the fourth quarter of the traditional shipments in the off-season, can still be maintained comparable to the previous month, can be regarded as the off-season is not weak.
In the fourth season, Dongbei provided high-efficiency and high-color LED packaging solutions for customers' newly opened products, and with thin-type backlight design, it has the opportunity to further improve backlight products under the condition of more cost-effective optimization. Market share.
In addition, Europe and the United States provide subsidies for energy-saving products and disable the time-course effect of traditional incandescent lamps. The number of orders placed by lighting customers has increased significantly in the fourth quarter, and the revenue per unit of lighting products can stand above 25. Looking at the overall performance, in the winter of lighting orders, and the demand for backlights stabilized, the fourth quarter performed well.
Ronda Electronics' monthly revenue increased by 10.1 in November
Ronda Electronics' revenue in November was 1.17 billion yuan, up 10.1 from October and up 49.5 from the same period last year. The accumulated revenue for the first 11 months was 12.64 billion yuan.
Ronda said that in the fourth quarter, although it entered the traditional low season of the LED industry, in the backlight application part, due to the return of notebook application applications, and the increase in demand for mobile phone flash and TV application products by Korean customers, the backlight application in November Show growth. In the direct-lit TV backlight application, the new OD15 thin-type direct-down model is currently in the customer verification phase and is expected to be mass-produced by the end of the year.
Ronda is actively deploying in direct-lit backlight applications, and the new OD15 technology will be the main model next year. In 2014, Ronda's OD15 products will have an opportunity to account for 50% of its direct-type models.
In the lighting application market, Ronda's lamp and panel products sold to Japan, Taiwan, Asia Pacific and other places in November were smoothly shipped. In the next year, Ronda will use three major applications: lamps, bulbs and flat panel lamps. As the main product, and the lighting components, Ronda's COB integrated package and high color rendering series products will be the focus of lighting components development, COB is expected to grow more than three times this year.
Lite-On's consolidated revenue in November was 19.6 billion yuan. LED lighting components grew by more than 60%. Lite-On Technology's global consolidated parent company's revenue in November was 19.6 billion yuan, with monthly growth of 1 and annual growth of 11, and writes this year's monthly revenue. The second highest achievement.
Driven by the increase in demand in the terminal market, the core business continued to grow. Among them, the camera module hit a record high in monthly revenue for three consecutive months, showing outstanding performance. In the first eleven months of the year, the global consolidated parent company’s revenue was RMB 192.64 billion.
The overall revenue of LED components and lighting applications continued to grow by more than 10% in November. Among them, LED lighting components benefited from mass production and global lighting brand customer demand. The revenue in November increased by more than 60% in the year; LED lighting applications On the other hand, under the smooth promotion of energy-saving demand and standard shipments in the North American market, LE street lamps have grown by more than 10% in a single month. At the same time, the annual revenue growth rate of vehicle lighting is nearly 30%.

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